Long Form | Section 2

Lesson 25

Left Kick, Turn 360, Right Kick

(Left Kick) Open both hands with the palm facing forward. Turn your right foot outward to the right (open the hips). Look left towards the east. Raise the hands and then spread your arms apart in a circular motion drawing them down in front of the groin crossing the hands, (overlapped left in front of right). Keep the flow going with the hands connected, raise your arms directly above your head, then let the arms float apart to the sides resting horizontal. (Your left hand faces west and the right hand faces east). Secure your right foot balance once again. Raise the left leg for a left straight kick.

(Turn 360) Hook your left arm towards the right. Sink your center down the right hip. Draw the left leg behind you. Hook the left foot and turn your center, sweep the left foot to the right. Keep low while turning and softly land your left foot 270°. (Your hand should hold still during this process).

(Right Kick) Continue to turn right 90° to complete the 360° center turn. Cross the right hand in front of the left hand. Adjust the right foot on the toes. Keep the hands connected, raise your arms directly above your head, then let the arms float apart to the sides resting horizontal. (Your left hand faces east and the right hand faces west). Secure your left foot balance. Raise the left leg for a right straight kick.